Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is this a good idea?

So, because my blog doesn't have a particular theme, I end up rambling about my life and views on the world. Which may be entertaining for some, who knows.
But due to the fact I am not anonymous in the blogosphere, I feel as though I must severely edit what I write, because I may ruffle someones feathers.

I would never purposely insult ANYONE.

Maybe if I want to be honest I should keep it to a diary. But I do love to write, and get feedback.


NB: This was written in relation to a post I have since deleted. Nothing  exsisting on here is THAT contaversial.

1 comment:

Jane said...

how dictatorial. why on earth would you want to edit what you write so that it never ruffles anyone's feathers. if that was the case, you might as well give up now!
i think it's great that you can write whatever you want. it's YOUR blog after all.