Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Ich muss mein Pferd verkaufen

I always think ts polite, when calling a foreign country, to at least say "Good morning, Do you speak English please?' in the appropriate language. 

I work in a government travel agent, so am familiar with this phrase in many tongues.

If you are an English speaker, in the UK, and an incoming phonecall began like so:

 'Guten Morgen, Ich muss mein Pferd verkaufen'

 or even " Доброе утро, вы продаете сыром?" (that's Russian by the way, which i don't try to speak, as I cant read the pictures, but I do begin Russian-bound emails with "Доброе утро")

You'd be like.....

*nervous shuffle*
"....errrr, I don't think they're in the office today.
or ever. please don't call back."

However one day I got a bit too big for my boots, and decided to expand from the above, to 'Hello, Please may I speak with reservations?' upon a call to Paris......

He was Scottish.

And I'm pretty sure I translated 'Reservations' wrongly.

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