Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I spend most of my day in a duvet.

I live with 4, wonderful female creatures, in a flat that looks like we are in some kind of witness protection program (boarded up doors and windows on account of our neighbors penchant for snowballs).
Once a beautiful time we were all single ladies of free lancing passion and pleasure, but after 2 weeks of this bliss we seem to have all been taken agag!

Anyways, so I would like to reiterate the point that the single ladies life has not left the flat. I think that we all imagine oursleves to be in a sex and the city episode, this is not the case.
We merely just prance about, warn each other when we are going to the toilet-shower-moving-eating-boiling the kettle or logging into facebook.

1 comment:

sparkles said...

sounds like my house!

Really must see you more girlie!