Sunday, November 20, 2005


Little known fact about me: I'm almost always the first one to grovel/apologise after a rift/argument/misunderstanding. Wouldnt think it would you?

Though I must say I have a stale-mate with someone at the mo...Oh the maturity.


sparkles said...

he he

I don't think that's a bad thing - being the first to apologise. I think that's pretty mature.

But yeah, it does make you feel like a mat sometimes.

Emily said...

Welcome to my world :)

sparkles said...

Lets start our own mat club ;)

Louise said...

What if youre the first to apologise and the other person is all like 'thats ok' rather than 'I'm sorry too'

What if you have a rift with someone and if you tried to apologise to them you couldnt because itd be like 'Im sorry for ___' becasue it really wasnt your fault?

Paul said...

When Heather and I got married the vicar gave some advice in the sermon that I've tried to stick too, namely that my job is to race Heather towards reconciliation. I try and appply that to other relationships too.

That gets outside who's fault it is too.

sparkles said...

so what would happen if heather (or a friend) is always wrong, but you always apologise and she never acknowledges that it was her that was wrong?

Louise said...

exactly! what if they dont realise theres a problem?

Helsalata said...

I think that shows the biggest character and grace which is a good way to mirror God. I will always make an effort to apologise, even if I believe I'm in the right and have been aggrieved because I think it is the best way to move forward in a no-win situation. It does make it hard if they only accept your apology and don't offer "sorry" in return but I think the biggest grace is to just be accepting of that. We do not deserve God's forgiveness and yet he offers it freely, with no conditions. To offer that to someone whether they "deserve" it or not is the best way to imitate the character of God. It does something to you that I just can't explain. Try it- it's hard but it gives you so much...